Hello World!

Hello World!
Hello there! I'm Kaya, the Chief Product Officer of a Korean Startup.
I stepped into the startup world as a 23-year-old college entrepreneur. And here I am, a decade later, still as passionate as ever. With my talent for data science and product management, I love hustling with engineers to create something new.
This blog is a canvas for my creative endeavors and my day-to-day experiences. Not here to claim expertise. I just want to share stories, hoping it sparks Inspiration in someone out there.

Why I Started This Blog: From a Creator's Itch

I define myself as a 'Creator.' No, I'm not a YouTuber or an Instagrammer; I'm just a regular working professional. But as someone who finds pride in creating things. The term 'creator' best encapsulates what I do and aspire to do.

I feel most alive when I'm engaged in creative activities. What do I create? It could be a groundbreaking product, a business venture, random thoughts, or even doodles on a piece of paper.

I want to remember these moments of creation for a long time. Whether they turned into works of art, projects, or products or remained at the idea stage, each is a cherished memory. Yes, I'm a lovely workaholic, and I want to remember these moments even when I'm a grandma. That's my primary motivation for starting this blog.

Exclusive Stories: The Essence of My Growth

My expertise lies in product design, product management, data science, and AI. However, this blog won't focus solely on professional knowledge. We all know that there's already plenty of quality information out there. And I don't consider my insights to be the ultimate truth.

Instead, my stories will be more like 'anecdotes'—lessons learned from a decade of startup hustling, foolish experiences, lucky successes, and how they've shaped me. I aim to share the influences that have molded my thoughts and emotions over the years.

Especially if there are stories that only I know, I would be happy to share them here. That would be the icing on the cake if I could add a spoonful of sentiment in this emotionally sparse modern society.

May this be Your Source of Inspiration

I hope this blog becomes more than just a repository for my thoughts. If my stories can make you think, "So, people like this exist," or "I never thought of it that way," and even inspire creative waves, I've achieved my goal. I look forward to adding a unique flavor to your everyday life with my stories.

Before I start, I would like to shout out to the World Wide Web:

"Hello world!"